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Sonntag, 21. Februar 2010

Multi-Agent Programming Contest 2010 - AC'10

Multi-Agent Programming Contest 2010
Call for Participation

  Tristan Behrens (Clausthal University of Technology)
  Jürgen Dix (Clausthal University of Technology)
  Jomi Hübner (Federal University of Santa Catarina)
  Michael Köster (Clausthal University of Technology)

Steering Committee:
  Mehdi Dastani (Utrecht University)
  Jürgen Dix (Clausthal University of Technology)
  Peter Novak (Czech Technical University)

1. Aims and Scope

This competition is an attempt to stimulate research in the area of multi-agent system development and programming by
  1. identifying key problems,
  2. collecting suitable benchmarks, and
  3. gathering test cases which require and enforce coordinated action that can serve as milestones for testing multi-agent programming languages, platforms and tools.

2. Short Scenario Description

The contest scenario consists of developing a multi-agent system to solve a cooperative task in a dynamic environment. The environment is a grid-like world in which virtual cows are moving around collectively in one or more herds exhibiting a swarm-like behavior. There are two corrals, each belongs to one of the two agent teams. The teams of agents compete to control the behavior of animals and lead them to their own corral. The winning agent team is the one that scores highest. A detailed scenario description of the scenario will be available in time.

3. Participation Requirements

The participation in this contest consists of these parts:

  1. Declaring the intent to participate by registering to the mailing list.
  2. Submission of the description of analysis, design and implementation of a multi-agent system for the above application. Thus registering to the contest officially.
  3. Participation in the contest tournament by taking part on the final tournament.
  4. Submitting the source-code of your application right after the tournament.
4. Important Dates

Stating your intent to participate:              now
Publication of the software:      January 2010

Submission of the description and registration to the contest:  July 2009
Notification:                     after submission
Camera-Ready of the description:  after notification

Testing phase:              July - September 2010
Competition:                      September 2010

Winner announcement:              after competition

4. Details

4.1 Intention to Participate

Please announce your intention to attend the contest by subscribing to the mailing list. Participants and all interested colleagues are invited to subscribe to the mailing list
agentcontest2010 [at]

All the important details and announcements including scenario and communication protocol specifications as well as software release announcements and bug reports will be announced and discussed via this list.

To subscribe, send an e-mail to

          agentcontest2010-subscribe [at]

with the subject "subscribe". The confirmation request and welcome message will be sent to you shortly afterwards. Please follow the instructions in the automatic mailing list replies.

4.2 Packages

The packages that we will publish include:
  1. the protocol description that defines the communication scheme between agents and our server, 
  2. the scenario description that defines the environment, 
  3. the MASSim server,
  4. the scenario itself, 
  5. template-agents implemented in Java, and 
  6. an EIS.
4.3 Submissions of the Short Descriptions

We intend to handle the submissions of the short system-descriptions via EasyChair. We also aim at publishing in the CLIMA (@ECAI) post-proceedings (still in a planning phase). We will provide details in time.

4.4 Scenario

The scenario will be *almost the same* as in 2010. The only thing that we are going to adapt is the scoring schema (more details later). But if we discover further adaptations that would make the scenario more interesting from a research-point-of-view, we could adapt as well.

4.5 Source Codes Obligation

Note that the submission of the source-codes is obligatory in 2010.

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