AAMAS-2010 Tutorial
Decision Making in Multiagent Systems
Decision Making in Multiagent Systems
Call for Participation
Toronto, Canada,
May 10-14 2010
May 10-14 2010
We are glad to invite you to participate in the Decision Making in Multiagent Systems Tutorial, that brings together two very successful tutorial from previous years: the DEMI Tutorial from AAMAS-09 and the Decision Theoretic Planning Tutorial from IJCAI-09. This full-day tutorial deals with time-extended decision making in multi-agent systems. Drawing motivation, in part, from the search and rescue applications in disaster management, the tutorial will span the range of multiagent interactions of increasing generality, and study a set of optimal and approximate solution techniques to time-extended decision making in both noncooperative and cooperative multiagent contexts. This self-contained tutorial will begin with the relevant portions of game theory and culminate with several advanced decision-theoretic models of agent interactions. The list of topics includes: * Requirements for the multiagent decision model and solution * Game theory background -- Repeated strategic and Bayesian games -- Iterative solution methods (e.g. fictitious play) * Partially observable stochastic games (POSGs) -- Basics of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) and Partial Observability (POMDPs) -- Decentralised Formulation of MDPs (Dec-MDPs) -- Interactive POMDPs (I-POMDPs) * Uncertainty utilization -- Targeted trajectory distributions (TTD-MDP) -- Stigmergic solution with perceptual control (Multi-agent EMT) * Team decision making in Dec-MDP models -- Decision theoretic view of Dec-MDPs -- Computational and structural analysis of Dec-MDP models -- Optimal and approximate algorithm design for Dec-MDPs All tutorial materials will be made available on-line at http://users.isr.ist.utl.pt/~mtjspaan/tutorialDMMS/ Registration information will be available soon at http://www.cse.yorku.ca/AAMAS2010/index.php?content=registration Sincerely, Tutorial Organizing Committee Prashant Doshi, Zinovi Rabinovich, Piotr Gmytrasiewicz, Matthijs Spaan, Shlomo Zilberstein, Christopher Amato
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