
3d active media actuators ad adaptation adaptibility adaptive advertiser agent agile ai analysis aose aspects attention auction autonomic autonomous benchmark bidding bio-inspired bioinformatics bionetics brain business buyer cellular automata charging chi cloud computing cognition collaboration communication competition complexity computer graphics concurrency constraints control cooperation coordination cots creativity cryptology dai data mining decisionmaking defense design disaster management discovery distributed dl ecommerce eierlegendewollmilchsau embedded emotion energy engineering entertainment environment evaluation evolutionary computing examples exercises formal framework fuzzy game theory gaming genetic globalization goal green computing grid hai hci health care heterogeneous heuristics human hybrid icaps information systems integration intelligence interaction knowledge knowledge-based systems language learning location-based locomotion logic logistics market mas mates memory meta methodology methods mixedreality mobile model multi-modal multirobot systems natural networks negotiation noncooperative norms ontology owl2 parallel pattern recognition personalization pervasive placement planning preception prediction presentation privacy probabilistic problem solving procurement programming protocol publishing qos quality rational real-time reasoning recommendation reliability representation resilient retrieval rif robocup robot robotics robots rules safety security self* semantic web semantics sensors serious games service-oriented services simulation smart soa social soft-computing software engineering sparql specification standard stochastic stockexchange strategy supplychain symbolic tagging teaching testing tools trading trust tutorial ubiquitous uncertainty usability verification virtual reality virtual worlds visualization web3d wireless

Dienstag, 23. November 2010

2011 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology

Call for Workshop Proposal

The 2011 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and 
Intelligent Agent Technology

22 � 27 August 2011, Campus Scientifique de la Doua, Lyon, France

The Program Committees of the 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT�11) invite proposals for Workshops. The Workshops will be held within the Conference, August, 22, 2011 at Lyon, France.

The main goal of the WI-IAT�11 workshops is to stimulate and facilitate active exchange, interaction and comparison of approaches, methods and ideas related to specific topics, both theoretical and applied, in the general areas related to Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology. The workshops will provide an informal setting where participants will have the opportunity to discuss specific technical topics in an atmosphere that fosters the active exchange of ideas.

The workshop organizers will be responsible for advertising the workshop, forming the program committees, reviewing and selecting the papers, and guaranteeing a high quality worthy of the prestige and range of the Conference. All papers accepted for workshops will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press and will be available at the workshops.

The workshop organizers will also have the discretion of editing selected papers (after their expansion and revision) into books or special journal issues. Workshops may be full-day or half-day. A full-day workshop should select 10-14 regular papers, while a half-day workshop should select 5-7 regular papers, from a large number of submissions. Submissions accepted as workshop papers will be allocated 4 pages in the proceedings. The workshop organizers should ensure the presence of authors of accepted papers at the workshops. Optionally, the workshop may be started or concluded by a panel focusing on interesting aspects, controversial issues, or unsolved problems to stimulate lively, thoughtful, and thought-provoking debate; we expect the workshop organizers to actively engage the audience and help them gain a deeper understanding of the issues. The goal of a panel is to debate and thus panels should always reflect more than one point of view.

Workshop Proposal Submission

Workshop organizers should submit their proposals (PDF) directly to the three Workshop Chairs via e-mail (see their email addresses below).
Workshop proposals should include the following elements:

- Title of the workshop
- Names of workshop organizers, affiliation, mailing address and e-mail address
- Short CV of organizers
- A description of the topics of the workshop (not exceeding 200 words)
- Type of the workshop (full-day or half-day)
- A description of how the workshop will contribute to the field of Web Intelligence and/or Intelligent Agent Technology
- A short description on how the workshop will be advertised so as to ensure a sufficiently wide range of authors and high quality papers
- Information about previous offerings of the proposed workshop.

Topics of Interest

Each workshop subject will focus on new research challenges and initiatives in Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT). The workshops should provide an informal and vibrant forum for researchers and industry practitioners to share their research results and practical development experiences in these two fields. Suggested, workshop topics include, but are not limited to:

- Intelligent e-Technology (including e-Science, e-Business, e-Things and e-Activities, e-Learning, e-Finance, e-Medicine, e-Government, e-Community)
- Intelligent Human-Web Interaction
- Intelligent Distributed Robots
- Distributed Intelligence
- Knowledge Grids and Grid Intelligence
- Semantics and Ontology Engineering
- Sensing Web and Smart World
- Social Networks and Ubiquitous Intelligence
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Web Agents
- Web Information Filtering and Retrieval
- Web Mining and Farming
- Web Data Management
- Web Scale Commonsense Knowledge Processing
- Web Security, Integrity, Privacy and Trust
- Web Services and Grid Services
- Web Support Systems
- World Wide Wisdom Web (W4)
- Convergence of email, instant messaging and social-network tools
- Agent Systems Modeling and Methodology
- Autonomous Knowledge and Information Agents
- Autonomous Auctions and Negotiation
- Autonomy-Oriented Computing (AOC)
- Learning and Self-Adapting Agents

Important Dates

Workshop proposal submission: December 17, 2010
Notification to workshop proposers: January 7, 2011
Workshop paper submissions: March 21, 2011
Notification of Workshop paper acceptance: June 1, 2011
Workshops and Industry day: August 22, 2011

Workshop Co-Chairs

Jomi F. Hübner (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brasil)
Jean-Marc Petit (INSA, France)
Einoshin Suzuki (Kyushu University, Japan)

Sonntag, 21. November 2010

Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering - ENASE 2011

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering - ENASE 2011


                             June 8 - 11, 2011 
                                Beijing, China

Hosted by Beijing Jiaotong University

Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by: Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index, INSPEC, DBLP and EI

Submission deadline: January 24, 2011.

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Dear Colleague,

We would like to draw your attention to the 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2011), which has currently an open call for papers.
ENASE 2011 will be held in Beijing, China next June 8-11 and will be hosted by the Beijing Jiaotong University. It will be held in conjuction with ICEIS 2011 ( and registration to ENASE will allow free access to ICEIS.

ENASE is interested in promoting high quality research as it can be confirmed by last year acceptance rates, where from 70 submissions, 27% were accepted as full papers and 16% were presented as short papers.

Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support. CXCS

Revised and extended versions of all full paper which are presented at the conference will be published by Springer-Verlag in a CCIS Series book. 

All papers presented at the conference venue will also be available at SciTePress' Digital Library (

Workshops and special sessions are also invited. If you wish to propose a workshop or a special session, for example based on the results of a specific research project, please send a proposal to the ENASE secretariat. Workshop chairs and Special Session chairs will benefit from logistics support and other types of support, including secretariat and financial support, to facilitate the development of a valid idea.

Please check further details at the conference website ( 

Should you have any question or suggestion please don't hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,
Helder Coelhas
ENASE Secretariat
Av. D.Manuel I, 27A 2 esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 185
Fax: +44 203 014 5433

ENASE Website:
June 8 - 11, 2011
Beijing, China

IMPORTANT DATES:            
Regular Paper Submission: January 24, 2011
Authors Notification (regular papers): March 25, 2011
Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: April 4, 2011


    * Software and Systems Development Methodologies
    * "3A" (Agile, Aspect-oriented and Agent-oriented) Software Engineering
    * Service-oriented Software Engineering and Management
    * Component-based Software Engineering and Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Systems
    * Model-driven Engineering
    * Meta Programming Systems and Meta-modeling
    * Knowledge Management and Engineering
    * Architectural Design and Meta Architectures
    * Business Process Management, Engineering and Reengineering
    * Process-centric Paradigms
    * Service-oriented Architectures
    * Service Science
    * Application Integration Technologies
    * Enterprise Integration Strategies and Patterns
    * e-Business Technologies
    * Requirements Engineering Frameworks and Models
    * Collaborative Requirements Management Systems
    * Business and Software Modeling Languages
    * Software Quality Management
    * Software Change and Configuration Management
    * Geographically Distributed Software Development Environments
    * Cross-feeding between Data and Software Engineering
    * Design Thinking as a Paradigm for Software Development
    * Formal Methods
    * Software Process Improvement


Harold Krikke
Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Xuewei Li
Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Kecheng Liu
University of Reading, U.K.

Leszek A. Maciaszek
Macquarie University, Australia / University of Economics, Poland

Yannis A. Phillis
Technical University of Crete, Greece

Shoubo Xu
Chinese Academy of Engineering / Beijing Jiaotong University, China

For more information please visit the conference website:

Joaquim Filipe
Polytechnic Institute of Setubal / INSTICC, Portugal

Leszek A. Maciaszek
Macquarie University ~ Sydney, Australia and University of Economics ~ Wroclaw, Poland

Kang Zhang
University of Texas at Dallas, U.S.A.

Available at