IEEE 2010 First International Workshop on Servise-Oriented Computing and Multi-Agent Systems (SOCMAS 2010)
The purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss the recent significant developments at the intersections of Multi-agent Systems, Semantic Technologies, and Service-oriented Computing, and to promote the cross-fertilization between these research areas. In particular, the workshop aims at identifying techniques from Multi-agent System and Semantic Technology research that will have the greatest impact on automating service-oriented application construction and management, focusing on critical challenges such as service quality assurance, reliability, flexibility, and adaptability.List of Topics:
We invite papers on all aspects relating to the overlap of Agent Technology, Semantic Web services, and Service-oriented Computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Agent-oriented architectures, frameworks, and infrastructures for distributed service-oriented software and Semantic Web systems
* Agent-oriented modeling and design methods and tools for service-oriented software and Semantic Web development
* Web services and Semantic Web technologies and standards for multi-agent system design, development and integration
* Agent-enabled adaptation, evolution, and optimization of services and processes
* Agent-based service description, advertisement, matchmaking, discovery, and brokering
* Agent-based service composition, orchestration, and choreography
* Agent-based monitoring and exception-handling for service execution and delivery
* Agent-based negotiation and management of Quality of Service and Service Level Agreements
* Deployment and distribution of agent-based service systems and service-oriented agent systems
* Agent-based service business models, application scenarios and demos (e.g. in e-Business, e-Science, Enterprise, Telecom, etc.), and lessons learned
* Ontology matching for service discovery, negotiation, orchestration, composition, and execution
* Ontology generation, learning and reasoning, and ontology-oriented dynamic mediation among agents
* Use of agent-based technology in service-oriented computing (applications)
* Agent-oriented architectures, frameworks, and infrastructures for distributed service-oriented software and Semantic Web systems
* Agent-oriented modeling and design methods and tools for service-oriented software and Semantic Web development
* Web services and Semantic Web technologies and standards for multi-agent system design, development and integration
* Agent-enabled adaptation, evolution, and optimization of services and processes
* Agent-based service description, advertisement, matchmaking, discovery, and brokering
* Agent-based service composition, orchestration, and choreography
* Agent-based monitoring and exception-handling for service execution and delivery
* Agent-based negotiation and management of Quality of Service and Service Level Agreements
* Deployment and distribution of agent-based service systems and service-oriented agent systems
* Agent-based service business models, application scenarios and demos (e.g. in e-Business, e-Science, Enterprise, Telecom, etc.), and lessons learned
* Ontology matching for service discovery, negotiation, orchestration, composition, and execution
* Ontology generation, learning and reasoning, and ontology-oriented dynamic mediation among agents
* Use of agent-based technology in service-oriented computing (applications)
Important Dates
- Submission deadline 15 April 2010
- Acceptance notification April 22 2010
- Camera-ready deadline 30 April 2010
- Workshop held on 5-10 July 2010
Paper Submission, Review Process, and Publication
All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 program committee members. Please note that the same paper should NOT be submitted to other conferences or events simultaneously. Such duplicate submissions will be rejected without review.
Submitted manuscripts will be limited to 8 (IEEE Proceedings style) pages and required to be formatted using the IEEE Proceedings Formatting Information page. Electronic submission of manuscripts (in PDF or Word format) is required. Detailed instructions for electronic paper preparation and submission, panel proposals, tutorial proposals, and review process can be found at At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register to the workshop and present the paper.
Only the accepted and presented papers will appear in the CD proceedings of the workshop. It is intended to publish after workshop proceedings with Springer LNCS. Extended versions of selected best papers will be invited for potential publication in the IOS Press International Journal of Multiagent and Grid Systems (MAGS). Workshop Organizers
Rainer Unland (primary contact), University of Duisburg-Essen,
Email: Rainer.Unland at
Ryszard Kowalczyk, Swinburne University of Technology
Email: Rainer.Unland at
Ryszard Kowalczyk, Swinburne University of Technology
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