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Mittwoch, 3. März 2010

RoboCup 2010 3D Soccer Simulation League

Call for Participation

           RoboCup 2010 3D Soccer Simulation League

                June 19 - June 25, 2010 (Singapore)

Hereby I would like to give you information about the registration and
qualification process for the RoboCup 2010 3D Soccer Simulation League.


Team pre-registration deadline: 31 Jan 2010 (23:59 UTC)
Team qualification deadline: 15 Feb 2010 (23:59 UTC)
Qualified teams will be announced: 1 Mar 2010

Early registration: 1 Mar - 31 Mar 2010
Regular registration: 1 Apr - 30 Apr 2010
Late registration: After 1 May


All teams who wish to qualify need to pre-register, before the deadline at
31 Jan 2010. To pre-register, send an E-Mail to sgvandijk at with the
subject 'Pre-registration TEAM_NAME'. The E-Mail should contain the
following information:

 1. Team-Name:
 2. Team-Leader:
 3. E-Mail:
 4. Country:
 5. Affiliation:
 6. Number of team members:


Qualification is based on a team's current performance,
previous achievements in RoboCup, and scientific contributions to the
RoboCup community in past years, cooperation in the 3D mailing list
and development of the simulator.

In RoboCup 2010, up to 28 teams will participate in the 3D competitions. The
top three teams from RoboCup 2009 (SEU RedSun, Bold Hearts and
LsuAmoyNQ) are automatically qualified after pre-registering their teams and
submitting an appropriate Team Description Paper (TDP). The other 25 teams
will be selected through a qualification process.

The qualification deadline is 15 Feb 2010. The OC does not accept
qualification materials from teams who have not been pre-registered by the
pre-registration deadline. Qualification material consists of:

1. Team Description Paper (TDP)
The TDP should describe your research focus and ideas implemented in the
team. The length of the TDP has to be at least four (4) pages and should not
exceed twelve (12) pages in Springer LNCS Style: Please submit
the TDP only as a PDF document with the name of your team
like teamname_TDP.pdf.

2. A list of contributions to previous RoboCup Symposia and your team's
achievements in RoboCup events of previous years. Please do not include TDPs
that you submitted to RoboCup in previous years. You may include a TDP, if
you presented a talk about your team at the Symposium. If you are new to the
RoboCup 3D community, you may also include references to relevant research
done by your team that shows its potential. Please submit the contribution
list as a PDF document with the name of your team, like teamname_list.pdf.

3. Binary
This year, to be better able to judge the performance of a team, all teams
should submit a working binary instead of a logfile. The OC will use these
binaries to play 3 vs 3 matches, under the rules and with the simulator used
during the 2009 competitions held in Graz. These rules can be found at:

<>Submitted binaries should adhere to
the following:

- Two scripts should be included: a start up script, called, to run
a full team of agents and a kill script, called, to fully kill all
agents of the team. The requirements and examples of these scripts can be
found at the rules page given above.
- All necessary external libraries should be included and be used locally by
the binary. The OC will not take an effort to install extra libraries on the
qualification systems.
- The binaries should not create any output, be it through standard output
or to files.
- No graphical (debugging) interface should be used.
- The binary should be compiled for 32 bit systems and should work on a
modern Linux distribution (e.g. Ubuntu 9.10).

To summarize: the binary should run out of the box on a standard, clean,
headless system in a restricted sand box environment with the simulation
server (possibly) running on a different machine. The OC will not try to fix
errors. When a binary fails to run, the respective team will be notified and
will have to resubmit their material, before the deadline of 15 Feb 2010.

Please put all qualification material in a folder with your team
name, create a tarball (preferably .tar.bz2) and upload it to the the ftp
server below. Also E-Mail me for confirmation with the subject:
Qualification, 3D: TEAM_NAME. If everything went well you will receive a
confirmation. If you did not receive any confirmation within two (2) days,
please contact the Organizing Committee.

ftp server:
user: anonymous at
Upload to the 'incoming' directory.

If you encounter any problem when uploading to the server please don't
hesitate to contact the OC, we will arrange for another solution.

Teams will be qualified based on the submitted materials as described in
this E-Mail. Also, the following general qualification limitations will be

- One-Third-Rule: The so called One-Third-Rule rule states that only up to
1/3 of the participants of a competition may be from the same country.
- One-Team-Per-Institute-Rule: The One-Team-Per-Institute-Rule states that
only one team from each university or research institute is allowed to
participate in a competition. Note that it is okay for different teams from
the same institute to participate in different competitions, e.g. 2D soccer
and 3D development.

Good luck!

Sander van Dijk
Chair Organizing Committee
Soccer Simulation League
RoboCup 2010 Singapore

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