
3d active media actuators ad adaptation adaptibility adaptive advertiser agent agile ai analysis aose aspects attention auction autonomic autonomous benchmark bidding bio-inspired bioinformatics bionetics brain business buyer cellular automata charging chi cloud computing cognition collaboration communication competition complexity computer graphics concurrency constraints control cooperation coordination cots creativity cryptology dai data mining decisionmaking defense design disaster management discovery distributed dl ecommerce eierlegendewollmilchsau embedded emotion energy engineering entertainment environment evaluation evolutionary computing examples exercises formal framework fuzzy game theory gaming genetic globalization goal green computing grid hai hci health care heterogeneous heuristics human hybrid icaps information systems integration intelligence interaction knowledge knowledge-based systems language learning location-based locomotion logic logistics market mas mates memory meta methodology methods mixedreality mobile model multi-modal multirobot systems natural networks negotiation noncooperative norms ontology owl2 parallel pattern recognition personalization pervasive placement planning preception prediction presentation privacy probabilistic problem solving procurement programming protocol publishing qos quality rational real-time reasoning recommendation reliability representation resilient retrieval rif robocup robot robotics robots rules safety security self* semantic web semantics sensors serious games service-oriented services simulation smart soa social soft-computing software engineering sparql specification standard stochastic stockexchange strategy supplychain symbolic tagging teaching testing tools trading trust tutorial ubiquitous uncertainty usability verification virtual reality virtual worlds visualization web3d wireless

Samstag, 27. März 2010

Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation (MAS&S)


4th International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation (MAS&S)
"Engineering Complex Systems through Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation"

to be held at
MALLOW (Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated
Workshops) 2010, Lyon (France), 30 Aug.-03 Sept.

Multi-agent systems (MASs) provide powerful models for representing both real-world systems and applications with an appropriate degree of complexity and dynamics. Several research and industrial experiences have already shown that the use of MASs offers advantages in a wide range of application domains (e.g. financial, economic, social, logistic, chemical, engineering). When MASs represent software applications to be effectively delivered, they need to be validated and evaluated before their deployment and execution, thus methodologies that support validation and evaluation through simulation of the MAS under development are highly required. In other emerging areas (e.g. ACE, ACF), MASs are designed for representing systems at different levels of complexity through the use of autonomous, goal-driven and interacting entities organized into societies which exhibit emergent properties The agent-based model of a system can then be executed to simulate the behavior of the complete system so that knowledge of the behaviors of the entities (micro-level) produce an understanding of the overall outcome at the system-level (macro-level). In both cases (MASs as
software applications and MASs as models for the analysis of complex systems), simulation plays a crucial role which needs to be further investigated.

Areas of Interest
MAS&S'10 aims at providing a forum for discussing recent advances in Engineering Complex Systems by exploiting Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation. In particular, the areas of interest are the following (although this list should not be considered as exclusive):

* Agent-based simulation techniques and methodologies
* Discrete-event simulation of Multi-Agent Systems
* Simulation as validation tool for the development process of MAS
* Agent-oriented methodologies incorporating simulation tools
* MAS simulation driven by formal models
* MAS  simulation toolkits and frameworks
* Testing vs. simulation of MAS
* Agents as modeling concept enabling communication between domain experts and simulation experts
* Industrial case studies based on MAS and simulation/testing
* Agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS)
* Agent Computational Economics (ACE)
* Agent Computational Finance (ACF)
* Agent-based simulation of networked systems
* Scalability in agent-based simulation 

Program Chairs
Carole Bernon - Université Paul Sabatier, IRIT (France) -
Alfredo Garro - Università della Calabria (Italy) - 
Jorge J. Gomez-Sanz - Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) - 

International Program Committee
Jean-Paul Arcangeli, Université Paul Sabatier, France
Juan Antonio Botía Blaya, Universidad de Murcia, Spain 
Paul Davidson, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Paolo Giorgini, Università di Trento, Italy
Samer Hassan, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Vincent Hilaire, Université de Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Franziska Klügl, Örebro Universitet, Sweden
Adolfo López-Paredes, University of Valladolid, Spain 
Muaz Niazi, Foundation University, Pakistan
Michael J. North, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Andrea Omicini, Università di Bologna, Italy
Paolo Petta, OFAI, Austria
Gauthier Picard, ENSM, Saint-Etienne, France
Sébastien Picault, LIFL, Lille, France
Luca Sabatucci, ITC-irst, FBK, Italy
Valeria Seidita, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy
Pietro Terna, Università di Torino, Italy
Erwan Tranvouez, LSIS, France
Giuseppe Vizzari, Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy

Steering Committee
Massimo Cossentino - ICAR/CNR, Italy 
Giancarlo Fortino - University of Calabria, Italy
Juan Pavon - Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain
Marie-Pierre Gleizes - Université Paul Sabatier, France
Wilma Russo - University of Calabria, Italy

Web Site and Contact Email for Inquiries
MALLOW web site:

Submission Guidelines
Original papers from the above-mentioned or other related areas will be considered. Please submit full papers: 8 pages maximum in IEEEtran style and PDF format. You can find styles for LaTeX, BibTeX and documentations at the following address: Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee. The submission link will be at

The workshop proceedings will be published and distributed at the conference. 

Journal Special Issue
Selected papers presented at the workshop will be invited to a special issue on “Engineering Complex Systems through Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation” of a premier International Journal which is under selection; the chosen journal  will be communicated on the Workshop Web Site.

Important Dates
May 30, 2010:        Submission of Papers
July 08, 2010:        Notification of Acceptance/ Rejection
July 30, 2010:         Submission of Camera-Ready Copies
30 Aug - 03 Sept, 2010: Workshop Takes Place

Fifth "Starting Artificial Intelligence Research" Symposium - STAIRS-2010

## STAIRS-2010 ##         Call for Papers            ## STAIRS-2010 ##

The Fifth "Starting Artificial Intelligence Research" Symposium

16-20 August 2010 ## Lisbon, Portugal

Deadline for submission of papers: Monday, 3 May 2010

## INTRODUCTION                                                     ##

The STAIRS-10 is the fourth European Starting AI Researcher Symposium.
STAIRS is an international meeting intended to support AI researchers,
from all countries, at the beginning of their career: PhD students or
people holding a PhD for less than one year. STAIRS-2010 will be
co-located with ECAI-2010, the European Conference on AI, in Lisbon,
Portugal, over 16-20 August 2010.

STAIRS offers doctoral students and young post-doctoral AI fellows:

* a first experience on submitting and presenting a paper in an
  international forum with a broad scope and a peer review process

* an opportunity to gather knowledge and exchange ideas related to
  their research problems and approaches together with information on
  European research careers and mobility.

Co-location with both ECAI and PAIS aims at creating a unique and
valuable opportunity for young researchers to gain experience at
presenting their work in a supportive scientific environment, and
obtain constructive feedback on the technical content of the work as
well as how to present the work and other related topics.

## TOPICS OF INTEREST                                               ##

Papers are welcome on all aspects of contemporary AI, including, but
not restricted to:

* Agents & Multiagent Systems
* Case-Based Reasoning
* Cognitive Modeling & Interaction
* Constraints & Search
* Knowledge Representation & Reasoning
* Machine Learning
* Model-Based Reasoning
* Natural Language Processing
* Perception & Sensing
* Planning & Scheduling
* Robotics
* Uncertainty in AI
* Applications of AI

An extensive list of subtopics is available at the conference website.

## IMPORTANT DATES                                                  ##

Paper submission deadline:
Monday, 3 May 2010

Notification of acceptance/rejection:
Friday, 28 May 2010

16-20 August 2010


Papers must not exceed SIX (6) pages in camera-ready
format. Over-length submissions will be rejected without
review. Papers for STAIRS should be submitted using the ECAI
formatting style; details of the style are available at:

This file unpacks to a directory "ecai2010", and contains LaTeX and
other style files. The file "ecai2010.tex" is an example paper in
LaTeX format using the appropriate styles, and can be used as a
template for submissions.

Each accepted paper will be allocated SIX (6) pages in the

Multiple submissions with ECAI and PAIS is allowed if this is clearly
indicated on a front page preceding the paper itself. In borderline
cases single submissions will be preferred over multiple
submissions. In case of multiple acceptances the author(s) are
strictly required to withdraw their paper from all but one of the

The proceedings of STAIRS, together with those of its associated
events, ECAI and PAIS, will be published and distributed by IOS
Press as a book and as a CD-ROM. The authors will be responsible for
producing camera-ready copies of papers, conforming to the ECAI 2010
formatting guidelines for inclusion in the proceedings. At least one
author of each accepted paper or poster is required to attend the
conference to present the contribution.

Submission and review of papers for ECAI-2010 will be managed via the
EasyChair system:

All submissions will be subject to LIGHT TOUCH review, with the goal
of providing constructive feedback to authors.

Depending on the quality of submissions, a subset of accepted papers
will be invited to submit a revised version to a journal special

IMPORTANT NOTE: At least one of the authors must be a PhD student, or
a person holding a PhD for less than one year. Papers not satisfying
this criterion will be rejected.

## ORGANISATION                                                    ##

STAIRS General Chair:

Thomas Ågotnes (
University of Bergen, Norway


Thomas Ågotnes
Department of Information Science and Media Studies
University of Bergen
P.O. Box 7802, N-5020 Bergen, Norway
Tel: (+47) 55584105  Fax: (+47) 55589149

Dienstag, 23. März 2010

Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing IDC-2010

******************************* IDC-2010 ********************************

4th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing IDC-2010
                  September 16-18, 2010, Tangier, Morocco


Organized by
  IEEE Morocco Section
  Software Engineering Department, University of Craiova, Romania

A special issue with best papers accepted and presented at IDC'2010 will be prepared using "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience" journal, Wiley InterScience,

Intelligent computing covers a hybrid palette of methods and techniques derived from classical artificial intelligence, computational intelligence, and intelligent agents. Distributed systems contain loosely-coupled components running on different networked computers that communicate and coordinate their actions by message transfer. The emergent field of intelligent distributed computing is expected to pose special challenges of adaptation and fruitful combination of results of both areas with a great impact on the development of new generation intelligent distributed information systems. The aim of this symposium is to bring together researchers involved in intelligent distributed 
computing to allow cross-fertilization and synergy of ideas and to enable advancement of researches in the field.

The symposium welcomes submissions of original papers concerning all aspects of intelligent distributed computing ranging from concepts and theoretical developments to advanced technologies and innovative applications. Papers acceptance and publication will be judged based on their relevance to the symposium theme, clarity of presentation, originality and accuracy of results and proposed solutions. 
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Intelligent service composition and orchestration
- E-service and Web intelligence
- Multi-agent systems
- Information extraction and retrieval in distributed environments
- Data mining and knowledge discovery in distributed environments
- Semantic and knowledge grids
- Intelligent integration of data and processes
- Distributed problem solving and decision making
- Distributed search and constraint satisfaction
- Ontologies and meta-data for describing heterogeneous resources and services
- Autonomic, adaptive and self-organising distributed computing and systems
- Intelligence in mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive computing
- Intelligence in cooperative information systems, groupware and workflows, virtual enterprises, social networks
- Intelligent distributed applications: e-business/e-commerce, e-learning, e-health, e-science, e-government, crisis/disaster/emergency management, social networks
- Peer-to-Peer systems
- Emerging behaviours in complex distributed systems
- Distributed nature-inspired and bio-inspired computing
- Modelling and simulation of intelligent distributed systems
- Knowledge integration and fusion from distributed sources
- Trust, reputation, security and privacy

Paper Submission and Publication
All accepted papers will be included in the Symposium Proceedings, which will be published by Springer as part of their series Studies in Computational Intelligence: Papers should have at most 10 pages length and must be formatted according to Springer format.

Submissions and reviews are automatically handled by a system provided by the organizers. Please submit your paper here:

Extended versions of the best papers accepted and presented at this symposium may be considered for publication in a Special Issue of an internationally recognized journal.

Important dates
Full paper submission: April 2, 2010
Notification of acceptance: May 7, 2010
Final (camera ready) paper due: June 4, 2010
Symposium: September 16-18, 2010


On behalf of the IDC-2010 PC,
* Mohammad Essaaidi, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco
* Michele Malgeri, University of Catania, Italy
* Costin Badica, University of Craiova, Romania

Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR-2010)

IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR-2010)
Bremen, 26.-30. July 2010

The eighth IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR-2010) is dedicated to identifying and solving the key issues necessary to field capable robots in response missions. This includes aerial and ground robots as well as unmanned underwater and surface marine vehicles. The scope of SSRR covers the robots' overall design as well as crucial components, e.g., for advanced locomotion, and intelligent onboard functionalities up to full autonomy.

Topics for contributions of interests can hence come from the following three areas
- vehicles: complete marine, aerial, and ground robots as well as their components
- intelligent functionalities: e.g., mapping, advanced user interfaces, autonomy
- applications: e.g., field reports, end user studies, prospective usages

All accepted papers are published by IEEE. Furthermore, a selection gets the opportunity to contribute an extended version to a special journal issue.

Important dates:
- 15. April 2010: submission deadline
- 21. May 2010: notification of acceptance
- 25. June 2010: final version due

Further information:


      !!!   CALL FOR TUTORIALS -- EASSS 2010   !!!

The twelfth edition of the European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2010) will be in conjunction with MALLOW 2010 and take place at

  Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne
                  Saint-Etienne, France
                   23-27 August, 2010

Researchers and lecturers in the field of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems are invited to submit a proposal for a state-of-the-art course in the twelfth edition of the European Agent Systems Summer School. Like its very successful predecessors, EASSS 2010 aims to offer a valuable forum for knowledge exchange between various research groups in this field for the benefit of students and researchers at both beginner and advanced level. The success of this summer school is essential not only for the mutual benefit of research groups, but also in forming future generations of researchers to maintain the excellence of Agents research and development in Europe.

Tutors are encouraged to submit a 1-page course proposal including:
the topic and its importance for the field, intended audience and their required background knowledge, outline of the topics to be presented, how the course material will be prepared, the tutors and their experience, level of the course (beginners/advanced), duration (typically 4 or 6 hours), and any special equipment requirements. Proposals will be evaluated based on the importance and quality of the topic description, the quality of the presentation material, and the teaching ability of the proposed speakers.

Deadline for proposals:         April 18, 2010
Notification:                   May 24,   2010
material for reader (< 26 pp)   July 4,   2010

A typical course has 4 hours in total, but variations are possible. Courses should be broad enough to provide a general introduction to the chosen topic, but it should also cover the most important contributions in depth. Courses are expected to take a wider perspective than one specific approach practised by an individual or group. For an impression, the courses given in 2001 are collected in a volume of Springer's LNAI series (No 2086), and programmes of previous editions of EASSS can be found via the webpage of EASSS09 (

The summer schools attract about 100 students each year. We intend to give a modest contribution towards tutors' expenses by providing free accommodation, but EASSS would not normally cover tutors' travel costs. Please note that this year EASSS is in conjunction (but not co-located) with MALLOW 2010 for the third time and takes place one week before that event. MALLOW 2010 will be in Lyon (very close to Saint-Etienne).

Submissions of tutorial proposals should be sent to Mehdi Dastani (

The EASSS-2010 Committee members are:

Local Chairs:
Olivier Boissier                Saint-Etienne, France
Gauthier Picard                 Saint-Etienne, France
Laurent Vercouter               Saint-Etienne, France

Program Committee:
Mehdi Dastani (chair)           Utrecht, Netherlands
Rafael Bordini                  Durham, UK
Catholijn Jonker                Delft, Netherlands
Barbara Keplicz                 Warszawa, Poland
Nicolas Maudet                  Paris, France
Andrea Omicini                  Bologna, Italy
Michal Pechoucek                Prague, Czech Republic

For information about local organisation please contact
Laurent Vercouter (


* action selection and planning in multi-/agent systems
* adaptation, evolution and learning in multi-/agent systems
* agent-based simulation and modeling
* agent communication, agent dialogues and agent argumentation
* agents, ontologies, web services and semantic web
* agent-oriented software engineering and development methodologies
* agent programming languages and development tools   
* agent standardizations in industry and commerce
* applications and deployment for agents and multi-agent systems
* architectures for multi-agent systems
* artificial market systems, auctions, trading agents and electronic commerce, electronic institutions
* autonomous robots and robot teams
* believability, human-like qualities of synthetic agents, humanoid and sociable robots
* game theory and coalition formation for agents based systems
* computational complexity in agent systems
* conventions, commitments, norms, social laws and legal issues in multi-agent systems
* coordination, cooperation, and collaboration in multi-agent systems
* emergence, self-organisation and collective behavior in agent-based systems
* foundational issues and theories of agency     
* information agents, routers, brokering and matchmaking
* logics for specification, verification and validation of multi-agent systems
* mobile agents
* negotiation, task and resource allocation, and conflict handling in multi-agent systems
* privacy, safety and security in multi-agent systems
* scalability, robustness and dependability of multi-agent systems
* social and cognitive models for agents   
* social and organizational structures of multi-agent systems
* trust and reputation in multi-agent systems
* Multi-agent systems and/for Web Intelligence
* Multi-agent systems and/for Ambient Computing

STCAN 2010 - Special Track on State-Topology Coevolution in Adaptive Networks


                             STCAN 2010:
   Special Track on State-Topology Coevolution in Adaptive Networks

                          In BIONETICS 2010

            December 1-3, 2010, Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Aim and Scope

Complex network research has so far addressed mostly either "dynamics on networks" (state transition on a network with a fixed topology) or "dynamics of networks" (topological transformation of a network with no dynamic state changes). In many real-world complex biological and social networks, however, these two dynamics interact with each other and coevolve over the same time scales. Modeling and predicting state-topology coevolution is now recognized as one of the most significant challenges in complex network science.

This Special Track solicits theoretical, computational, experimental and/or application-oriented research on any aspects of the state-topology coevolution of complex networks---either biological, social, or engineered. Its goals are to promote the growth of a research community on this emerging new field of network research, to help develop a common conceptual "language" for modeling, analyzing
and discussing the state-topology coevolution of various real-world complex adaptive networks, and thereby to galvanize interdisciplinary discussion and collaboration across many different areas of applications.

The relevant topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Theoretical foundations
* Mathematical/analytical approaches
* Statistical/machine learning approaches
* Computational modeling/simulation tools
* Real-world examples
* Applications to biological network modeling
* Applications to social network modeling
* Applications to engineered network design
* Historical review

Track Chairs

Hiroki Sayama
Binghamton University, State University of New York, USA

Thilo Gross
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Germany

Program Committee Members

Alain Barrat (Centre de Physique Théorique, Marseille, France)
Kevin Bassler (University of Houston, USA)
René Doursat (ISC-PIF, France)
Gourab Ghoshal (Northeastern University, USA)
Chrystopher Nehaniv (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
Jorge Pacheco (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
Reiji Suzuki (Nagoya University, Japan)
Leah Shaw (College of William and Mary, USA)
Kohji Tomita (AIST, Japan)

Paper Submission Instructions

Authors are invited to submit papers in the following categories:

  * Regular papers: Up to 15 pages
  * Short papers: Up to 2 pages
  * Work-in-progress papers: Up to 6 pages
  * Demo papers: Up to 4 pages

Submissions must be in the Springer LNCS format ( All papers will be handled electronically. Please visit for detailed submission requirements and procedures.

Important Dates

Regular paper submission due: July 16
Short, work-in-progress and demo paper submission due: September 19
Notification of acceptance for regular papers: September 12
Notification of acceptance for other papers: September 30
Camera ready due: October 10


All accepted paper will be published by Springer. A selected number of best papers will be considered for publication in leading journals such as:

  * ACM Trans. on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems
  * Int'l Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems
  * Elsevier Nano Communication Networks Journal


Hiroki Sayama, D.Sc.
Director, Collective Dynamics of Complex Systems Research Group
Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering
Binghamton University, State University of New York
Affiliate, New England Complex Systems Institute
P.O. Box 6000, Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
Tel 1-607-777-4439, Fax 1-607-777-5780

Sonntag, 21. März 2010

SIEC 2010 - 1st International Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Emergent Computing

SIEC 2010
The 1st International Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Emergent Computing

In conjunction with the “The 2010 Systemics and Informatics World Network” (SIWN 2010) Chongqing, China, 12-14 July 2010

Complex Adaptive Systems are widespread both in the nature and in socio-economic phenomena. A Multi-Agent Based Complex System has its dynamic behaviour that is inherently emerging as a result of intensive interactions among its massive agents. Examples of Multi-Agent Based Complex Systems include social insects, population aggregations in urbane regions, market based economy, city taxi cabs, etc. Swarm Intelligence represents a methodology for analyzing and modeling Multi-Agent Based Complex Systems, and Emergent Computing is concerned with the methodology for engineering robust, dependable, self-adaptable Multi-Agent Based Complex Systems out of massive, simple, unreliable objects, devices or units. Essentially Emergent Computing represents a new approach which takes a Collective Intelligence point of view upon all types of artificial systems, e.g., web/Internet based systems, social networking, online virtual communities, pervasive/ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence, socio-technical systems, and so forth.

SIEC2010 aims to provide a timely international, multi-disciplinary forum on the latest theories, methods, techniques and applications in Swarm Intelligence and Emergence Computing.

Details can be found at:

Topics of particular interest include (but not limited to) the followings.

(1) Biological and Scio-economic Inspirations for Swarms
- artificial life
- biologically inspired computing
- biologically inspired interaction mechanisms
- biologically inspired process algebra and formal specifications
- collective intelligence
- computational pheromones, potential field, economy
- market economy
- models of social insects
- self-organization in biological systems
- social insets
- social intelligence
- stigmergy

(2) Emergence and Interactions
- autonomy based interactions
- cybernetic principles and self-organization
- formal approaches to handling local/global agent behaviors
- game theoretic approaches to emergence in multi-agent systems
- interaction mechanisms for self-organization and adaptation
- models, methods and tools for achieving global coherent behaviors
- multi-agent based complex systems
- principles of emergence, understanding, controlling, or exploiting emergent behaviors
- relation between high-level goals and local interactions
- specification based interaction mechanisms
- trust-based interaction mechanisms

(3) Swarm Optimization
- ant colony optimization (ACO)
- ants algorithms
- computational swarm models
- cultural evolution
- evolutionary computing
- particle swarm optimization (PSO)
- social evolution

(4) Emergent Computing
- amorphous computing
- analytic models of emergent behaviors
- cellular automata approaches to emergence in multi-agent systems
- cognitive computing
- collective intelligence/emergence in cloud/Grid computing, service-oriented computing (SOC)
- collective intelligence/emergence in pervasive/ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence
- collective intelligence/emergence in service discovery and delivery, service-oriented architectures (SOA)
- collective intelligence/emergence in social networking, online virtual communities
- collective intelligence/emergence in web/Internet systems
- controllability of emergence
- granular computing
- molecular/cellular computer, DNA computing
- multi-agent based complex systems
- nanocomputing
- natural computing, evolutionary computation
- performance engineering of emergent behaviors in multi-agent systems
- quantum computing

(5) Applications
- industrial automation
- network routing
- socio-technical systems
- traffic scheduling


SIWN 2010 only accepts manuscripts of original contributions. A manuscript for submission to the Conference should neither have been published nor have been under consideration for publication elsewhere. A manuscript for submission to the Conference should be prepared according to the Instructions for Authors of the Journal that can be found at along with Sample Word Doc and Latex file of Camera-Ready Versions. There is a page limit of 8 formatted pages for the CRV of an accepted paper. Additional pages are subject to over-length charges.

All accepted papers of the Conferences will be included in the electronic Proceedings of SIWN 2010 and at the same time, will be published in the International Journal <> (ISSN 1757-4439).

After the Conferences, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit thoroughly expanded papers for publication at special issues of following International Journals:
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Engineering Informatics

Important Dates
9 April 2010 Submission of manuscripts
30 April 2010 Notification of acceptance
28 May 2010 Camera-Ready Version (CRV) due
12-14 July 2010 Conference

Program Chairs

Jan Sudeikat
Multimedia Systems Laboratory, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Berliner Tor 7, 20099 Hamburg, Germany
Distributed Systems and Information Systems, Computer Science Department
University of Hamburg, Vogt–Kolln–Str. 30, 22527 Hamburg, Germany

Professor Yu Wu
Network and Computation Research Center
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Chongqing 400065, China