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Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

2nd International Conference on Reputation (ICORE 2011)

2nd International Conference on
                          (ICORE 2011)
           Montpellier, France, September 19th, 2011


                         co-located with
                           ESSA 2011


** Abstract submission: June, 1st, 2011 **
Full papers required on 15 June.
Notification of acceptance: 10 July.
The conference will take place on 19 September.


The second International Conference on *Reputation*: 'Society,
Economy, Trust' follows the success of the first edition
( as a point of convergence in the
interdisciplinary study of reputation.

The study of reputation and gossip is paramount in many fields of the
social sciences, for example organization science, policy-making,
(e-)governance, cultural evolution, social dilemmas, socio-dynamics,
and sociobiology. Interest in reputation is increasing in philosophy,
psychology, social psychology, sociology, and cognitive science;
formal models appear in game theoretical, mathematical, and physics
journals; computational reputation systems are among the most studied
subjects in multi-agent technology and social simulations.

Our objective is that of providing a common ground for all the
interested disciplines to share techniques and ideas on a stage where
the selection process approach is founded not on one specific method,
and even less on established practices and rituals, but rather on an
open-minded scientific approach to the the object of study.

This year, the  conference focuses on the foremost of Reputation's
relative, trust, and their effects together on the economy, and on the
society as a whole. What is the link between reputation and trust on
one side, and social well-being, equality and happiness on the other?
We invite contributions on reputation and trust, and how these come to
affect the society of agents that use them, ranging from web
reputation platforms to informal models of gossip. Trust and
reputation as means to build social capital and to overcome inequality
and misunderstandings are deeply needed from society just now.


We invite papers from all scientific communities working on reputation.

Topics for ICORE 2011 include but are not limited to:

   * Theory of reputation
   * Simulation of reputation
   * Computational models of reputation
   * Agent reputation models
   * Ontologies of reputation
   * Logical formalization of reputation
   * Experimental evidence of reputation diffusion
   * Reputation-based e-government, e-learning, e-business
   * Reputation in p2p systems
   * Reputation in grid environments
   * Reputation for partner selection
   * Incentives in reputation mechanisms
   * Image and reputation
   * Reputation management and optimisation
   * Reputation and social networks
   * Reputation and norms
   * Reputation and altruism, reciprocity, and cooperation
   * Reputation and trust
   * Reputation for sabotage tolerance in large-scale applications
   * Reputation and exchange
   * Reputation and institutions
   * Reputation and social capital
   * Corporate and firm reputation
   * Reputation and peer review
   * Reputation, trust, and societal cohesion
   * Reputation, trust and equality


Please check the conference website ( where
detailed information on how to submit papers will appear.

Submission is in two steps: extended abstract first, followed by an
open discussion phase, then full paper. See important dates above.


Papers should present novel ideas related to reputation, clearly
motivated by problems from current practice or applied research.
We expect claims to be substantiated by theoretical or formal
analysis, experimental evaluations, comparative studies, and so on.
Authors are also encouraged to submit application papers. Application
papers are expected to address an indication of the real world
relevance of the problem that is solved, including a description of
the deployment domain, and some form of evaluation of performance,
usability, or superiority to alternative approaches.

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