
3d active media actuators ad adaptation adaptibility adaptive advertiser agent agile ai analysis aose aspects attention auction autonomic autonomous benchmark bidding bio-inspired bioinformatics bionetics brain business buyer cellular automata charging chi cloud computing cognition collaboration communication competition complexity computer graphics concurrency constraints control cooperation coordination cots creativity cryptology dai data mining decisionmaking defense design disaster management discovery distributed dl ecommerce eierlegendewollmilchsau embedded emotion energy engineering entertainment environment evaluation evolutionary computing examples exercises formal framework fuzzy game theory gaming genetic globalization goal green computing grid hai hci health care heterogeneous heuristics human hybrid icaps information systems integration intelligence interaction knowledge knowledge-based systems language learning location-based locomotion logic logistics market mas mates memory meta methodology methods mixedreality mobile model multi-modal multirobot systems natural networks negotiation noncooperative norms ontology owl2 parallel pattern recognition personalization pervasive placement planning preception prediction presentation privacy probabilistic problem solving procurement programming protocol publishing qos quality rational real-time reasoning recommendation reliability representation resilient retrieval rif robocup robot robotics robots rules safety security self* semantic web semantics sensors serious games service-oriented services simulation smart soa social soft-computing software engineering sparql specification standard stochastic stockexchange strategy supplychain symbolic tagging teaching testing tools trading trust tutorial ubiquitous uncertainty usability verification virtual reality virtual worlds visualization web3d wireless

Freitag, 17. September 2010

Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2010)

6th Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2010)
                              7 December 2010 
                       Held in Conjunction with the 
23rd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI2010)
                              Adelaide, Australia

AOW 2010 is the sixth in a series of workshops on ontologies held 
in the Australasian region.

The primary aim of the workshop is to bring together active researchers in
the broad area of ontologies. Topics of interest include, but are not 
limited to:

- Ontology models and theories         
- Ontologies and the Semantic Web     
- Interoperability in ontologies      
- Ontologies and Multi-agent systems                                        
- Description logics for ontologies  
- Reasoning with ontologies 
- Ontology harvesting on the web      
- Ontology of agents and actions
- Ontology visualisation  
- Ontology engineering and management
- Ontology-based information extraction  and retrieval
- Ontology merging, alignment and integration
- Web ontology languages
- Formal concept analysis and ontologies 
- Ontologies for e-research
- Linking open data
- Significant ontology applications

The proceedings of all previous Australasian Ontology 
Workshops were published in the CRPIT Series and this 
will also be the case for AOW 2010.

Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit 
extended versions of their AOW 2010 papers as chapters in 
a forthcoming Springer book.

For the second year running, AOW 2010 will have a best paper 
award, with a prize of $250(AUD) being awarded to the 
author(s) of the best paper. 

Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: 24 September 2010
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 22 October 2010
Camera-ready copies due: 12 November 2010
AOW 2010: 7 December 2010

Papers must be submitted via the EasyChair system at

Workshop Chairs:
Thomas Meyer
Meraka Institute, South Africa

Mehmet Orgun
Macquarie University

Kerry Taylor

Program Committee :
Franz Baader (TU Dresden, Germany)
Arina Britz (Meraka Institute, South Africa)
Werner Ceusters (SUNY Buffalo, USA)
Michael Compton (CSIRO, Australia)
Oscar Corcho (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain)
R. Cenk Erdur (Ege University, Turkey)
Aurona Gerber (Meraka Institute, South Africa)
Dennis Hooijmaijers (University of South Australia, Australia)
Bo Hu (SAP Research, UK)
Renato Iannella (NICTA, Australia)
Ken Kaneiwa (NICT, Japan)
Marijke Keet (Free University of Bolzano, Italy)
Kevin Lee (NICTA and UNSW, Australia)
Laurent Lefort (CSIRO, Australia)
Costas Mantratzis (University of Westminster, UK)
Lars Moench (University of Hagen, Germany)
Maurice Pagnucco (UNSW, Australia)
Debbie Richards (Macquarie University, Australia)
Rolf Schwitter (Macquarie University, Australia)
Murat Sensoy (Bogazici University, Turkey)
Markus Stumptner (University of South Australia, Australia)
Boontawee (Meng) Suntisrivaraporn (Thammasat University, Thailand)
Sergio Tessaris (Free University of Bolzano, Italy)
Nwe Ni Tun (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Ivan Varzinczak (Meraka Institute, South Africa)
Kewen Wang (Griffith University, Australia)

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