
3d active media actuators ad adaptation adaptibility adaptive advertiser agent agile ai analysis aose aspects attention auction autonomic autonomous benchmark bidding bio-inspired bioinformatics bionetics brain business buyer cellular automata charging chi cloud computing cognition collaboration communication competition complexity computer graphics concurrency constraints control cooperation coordination cots creativity cryptology dai data mining decisionmaking defense design disaster management discovery distributed dl ecommerce eierlegendewollmilchsau embedded emotion energy engineering entertainment environment evaluation evolutionary computing examples exercises formal framework fuzzy game theory gaming genetic globalization goal green computing grid hai hci health care heterogeneous heuristics human hybrid icaps information systems integration intelligence interaction knowledge knowledge-based systems language learning location-based locomotion logic logistics market mas mates memory meta methodology methods mixedreality mobile model multi-modal multirobot systems natural networks negotiation noncooperative norms ontology owl2 parallel pattern recognition personalization pervasive placement planning preception prediction presentation privacy probabilistic problem solving procurement programming protocol publishing qos quality rational real-time reasoning recommendation reliability representation resilient retrieval rif robocup robot robotics robots rules safety security self* semantic web semantics sensors serious games service-oriented services simulation smart soa social soft-computing software engineering sparql specification standard stochastic stockexchange strategy supplychain symbolic tagging teaching testing tools trading trust tutorial ubiquitous uncertainty usability verification virtual reality virtual worlds visualization web3d wireless

Montag, 7. Juni 2010

International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2010)

C A L L  F O R  P A P E R S

The 12th @WAS International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2010)

         8-10 November, 2010
           Paris, France


June 21, 2010 (EXTENDED)      : Full papers submission
August 30, 2010               : Acceptance Notification
September 15, 2010            : Camera-Ready Papers and Registration
November 8-10, 2010           : Conference

Barely more than ten years after the birth of the World Wide Web, the Global Information Infrastructure is daily reality. In spite of the many applications in all domains of our societies: e-business, e-commerce, e-learning, e-science, and e-government, for instance, and in spite of the tremendous advances by engineers and scientists, the seamless integration of information and services remains a major challenge. The current shared vision for the future is one of semantically rich information and service oriented architecture for global information systems. This vision is at the convergence of progress in technologies such as XML, Web services, RDF, OWL, of multimedia, multimodal, and multilingual information retrieval, and of distributed, mobile and ubiquitous computing.
The goal of iiWAS2010 is to provide an international forum for scientists, engineers, and managers in academia, industry, and government to address recent research results and to present and discuss their ideas, theories, technologies, systems, tools, applications, work in progress and experiences on all theoretical and practical issues arising in information and service integration.


Conference program will include invited talks, peer reviewed technical program, demos, short papers, posters, tutorials, panels, workshops and invited sessions on the same or related topics, industrial presentations, exhibitions around but not limited to the following topics:

Web Engineering and Web Services Track:
- Web Data Integration, Monitoring and Management
- Web Data Models, Metrics, Tools, Languages and Performance
- Web Agents, Intelligence and Mining
- Web Security and Trust Management
- Web Visualization, Rich Web UI and Deep/Hidden Web
- Web-based Enterprise Systems and Business Processes
- Web-based Auction and Negotiation
- Federated and cross-organizational Web engineering
- Web Services Architectural styles
- Web Services performance
- Dependability, security and privacy of web services (blogs, RSS, wikis, etc.)
- Orchestration, choreography and composition of web services
- Tools and technologies for Web Services development, deployment and management
- The impact of Web Services on enterprise systems
- Impact of formal methods on Web Services

E-applications Track (e-Business, e-Commerce, e-Payment, e-Government, e-Learning, e-science, e-communities):
- E-application design models and methods
- E-application development processes, standards and methodologies
- E-application usability, accessibility, reuse and integration
- E-application localization and internalization
- E-applications case studies and best practices
- E-applications social and legal issues
- E-applications service architectures
- E-applications competition and collaborations
- E-applications data analytics and visualization
- Digital libraries
- Innovative E-Frameworks & E-Applications
- Innovative E-applications in Web 2.0, AJAX, E4X and other new developments
- Model-driven E-application development
- Workflow and E-services

Web Data and Semantic Web Track:
- XML data and schema integration
- XML data models, query processing and data management
- XML data privacy and security
- Web databases and warehousing
- Web data mining, exploration, and visualization
- Document Engineering and Integration
- Web Data Markup Languages, tools and methodologies for representing and managing Semantic Web data
- Web Semantics content creation, annotation, and extraction
- Web Semantics brokering, integration and interoperability
- Web Semantics search, query, and visualization
- Web Semantics middleware and services
- Web Semantics provenance, trust & security
- Ontology creation, searching, extraction, and evolution
- Ontology mapping, merging, and alignment

Information Integration in Ubiquitous Computing Track:
- Mobile and Ubiquitous Information and Service Integration
- Tools and techniques for designing, implementing, & evaluating Ubiquitous Computing Systems
- Grid and P2P architectures for service and information integration
- Agent-based ubiquitous applications
- Location and context-aware applications and services
- Infrastructure support for mobility and pervasive Web
- Web proxies and content adaptation
- Service creation and management environments for pervasive web
- Low-cost web access devices and networking for emerging regions
- Privacy-enhancing technologies in pervasive web
- Social search and the use of "human computing" in web search
- Experience report on ubiquitous computing implementation
- Visionary scenario on ubiquitous computing

iiWAS2010 Proceedings will be published by ACM in cooperation with the Austrian Computer Society as a volume set in the books@ocg series and will be indexed and included in ACM Digital Library.

Distinguished papers, after further revisions, will be published in special issues of :

[1] International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS)
[2] International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS)
[3] International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN)
[4] Information Systems Frontiers (ISF)
[5] International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (IJCIS)
[6] International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems (IJARAS)
[7] … more to come

Papers must be submitted electronically in Postscript, PDF, or RTF/DOC format at ((
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submitted papers will be blindly peer reviewed by at least three members of the international program committee and carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be published by ACM (pending approval) and the Austrian Computer Society in books@ocg book series. The submitted papers should not exceed 8 pages and must follow the ACM guidelines (


The conference is endorsed by the international organization for information integration and web based applications and services (@WAS) in cooperation with ACM SIGWEB (approval pending), hosted and organized by University Paris 8, France and supported by Monash University, Australia, La Trobe University, Australia and will be held in conjunction with the 8th international conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2010 (

*** CONTACT ***
David Taniar
@WAS Scientific Committee Chair
Clayton School of Information Technology
Monash University

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