
3d active media actuators ad adaptation adaptibility adaptive advertiser agent agile ai analysis aose aspects attention auction autonomic autonomous benchmark bidding bio-inspired bioinformatics bionetics brain business buyer cellular automata charging chi cloud computing cognition collaboration communication competition complexity computer graphics concurrency constraints control cooperation coordination cots creativity cryptology dai data mining decisionmaking defense design disaster management discovery distributed dl ecommerce eierlegendewollmilchsau embedded emotion energy engineering entertainment environment evaluation evolutionary computing examples exercises formal framework fuzzy game theory gaming genetic globalization goal green computing grid hai hci health care heterogeneous heuristics human hybrid icaps information systems integration intelligence interaction knowledge knowledge-based systems language learning location-based locomotion logic logistics market mas mates memory meta methodology methods mixedreality mobile model multi-modal multirobot systems natural networks negotiation noncooperative norms ontology owl2 parallel pattern recognition personalization pervasive placement planning preception prediction presentation privacy probabilistic problem solving procurement programming protocol publishing qos quality rational real-time reasoning recommendation reliability representation resilient retrieval rif robocup robot robotics robots rules safety security self* semantic web semantics sensors serious games service-oriented services simulation smart soa social soft-computing software engineering sparql specification standard stochastic stockexchange strategy supplychain symbolic tagging teaching testing tools trading trust tutorial ubiquitous uncertainty usability verification virtual reality virtual worlds visualization web3d wireless

Dienstag, 16. März 2010

LOGICS IN SECURITY (workshop at ESSLLI 2010)


LOGICS IN SECURITY (workshop at ESSLLI 2010)
August 9-13, 2010        Copenhagen, Denmark



In the past two decades, a number of logics and formal frameworks have
been proposed to model and analyse interconnected systems from the
security point of view. Recently, the increasing need to cope with
distributed and complex scenarios forced researchers in formal security
to employ non-classical logics to reason about these systems.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together logicians and formal
security researchers to foster the cross-fertilization between these two
areas. Logicians have a lot to benefit from specifying and reasoning
about real-world scenarios as well as researchers in security
can apply recent advances in non-classical logics to improve their

We are interested in logical foundations of security and in particular
in the following topics:

Language-based security                  Access Control
Judgemental Analysis                     Privacy
Automated Theorem Proving                Protocol Verification
Term-Rewriting Systems      applied to   Security Architectures
Logical Programming                      Trust and Reputation Management
Modal Logic                              Static Analysis of Programs
Dynamic Logic                            Risk Management
Epistemic and Deontic Logic              Policy Compliance
                                         Security in Multi-Agent System
                                         Formal Cryptography

More details can be found at .



A selection of the accepted papers will be published in a special issue
of the Journal of Logic and Computation



Paper submission deadline:    April 1, 2010.
Notification of acceptance:   May 25, 2010.
Workshop:                     August 9-13, 2010.



Papers should not exceed 15 pages, including references, in the Springer
LNCS style ( Authors of
accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be presented at
the workshop. Papers should be submitted electronically, in pdf, via
easychair: .



Dov Gabbay (King's College London, Bar-Ilan University and University of
Leendert van der Torre (University of Luxembourg)


Steve Barker (King's College, UK)
Moritz Y. Becker (Microsoft Research, UK)
Guido Boella (University of Torino, Italy)
Frédéric Cuppens (ENST-Bretagne, France)
Deepak Garg (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Fausto Giunchiglia (University of Trento, Italy)
Wojtek Jamroga (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Simon Kramer (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Alessio Lomuscio (Imperial College London, UK)
Fabio Martinelli (CNR, Italy)
Fabio Masacci (University of Trento, Italy)
Sjouke Mauw (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA and Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Jun Pang (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Jean-Francois Raskin (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Mark Ryan (University of Birmingham, UK)
Hans van Ditmarsch (University of Sevilla, Spain)
Luca Viganò (University of Verona, Italy)



For further inquiries please contact .


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