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Dienstag, 2. März 2010


Call for Papers


Ascoli Piceno (Italy), September 21-24, 2010
acri2010 [ at >

Cellular Automata (CA) present a very powerful approach to the study
of spatio-temporal systems where complex phenomena build up out of
many simple local interactions. The main goal of the 9th edition of ACRI
2010 Conference (Cellular Automata for Research and Industry) is to
offer both scientists and innovation managers in academies and
industries an opportunity to express and discuss their views on current
and future trends, challenges, and state-of-the art solutions to various
problems in the fields of arts, biology, chemistry, communication,
cultural heritage, ecology, economy, engineering, physics, social
science, traffic control, etc.

Topics of either theoretical or applied interest about CA and CA-based
models and systems include issues in parallelism, computational
complexity, dynamical and complex systems, innovative and
challenging models for real phenomena. Papers on languages,
software platforms and hardware components based on CA are
welcome. In order to emphasize the application power of CA and the
increasing interest about these advanced computational models in the
production world, papers and also demos will be welcome.

Stefania Bandini (University of Milano-Bicocca - I)
Hiroshi Umeo (University of Osaka Electro-Communication - J)

Steering Committee

Stefania Bandini (University of Milano-Bicocca - I)
Bastien Chopard (University of Geneva - CH)
Giancarlo Mauri (University of Milano-Bicocca - I)
Hiroshi Umeo (University of Osaka Electro-Communication - J)
Thomas Worsch (University of Karlsruhe - G)

Program Committee

Susumu Adachi (Japan)
Andrew Adamatzky (UK)
Franco Bagnoli (Italy)
Stefania Bandini (Italy)
Olga Bandman (Russia)
Belgacem Ben Youssef (Canada)
Dbashish Chowdhury (India)
Bastien Chopard (Switzerland)
Alberto Dennunzio (Italy)
Andreas Deutsch (Germany)
Salvatore Di Gregorio (Italy)
Michel Droz (Switzerland)
Samira El Yacoubi (France)
Nazim Fatès (France)
Alfons Hoekstra (The Netherlands)
Teijiro Isokawa (Japan)
Francisco Jiménez (Spain)
Toshihiko Komatsuzaki (Japan)
Anna T. Lawniczak (Canada)
Jia Lee (Japan)
Pradipta Maji (India)
Danuta Makowiec  (Poland)
Sara Manzoni (Italy)
Nobuyuki Matsui (Japan)
Giancarlo Mauri (Italy)
Michael Meyer-Hermann (Germany)
Angelo Mingarelli (Canada)
Shin Morishita (Japan)
Katsuhiro Nishinari (Japan)
Hidenosuke Nishio (Japan)
Ferdinand Peper (Japan)
Roberto Serra (Italy)
Georgios Sirakoulis (Greece)
Furio Suggi Liverani (Italy)
Domenico Talia (Italy)
Gianluca Tempesti (UK)
Marco Tomassini (Switzerland)
Leen Torenvliet (The Netherlands)
Hiroshi Umeo (Japan)
Giuseppe Vizzari (Italy)
Burton Voorhees (Canada)
Thomas Worsch (Germany)

Organizing Committee

Stefania Bandini
Eliana Magnolo
Lorenza Manenti
Sara Manzoni
Roberto Pedroli
Andrea Valsecchi
Giuseppe Vizzari

Local Organizing Committee

Giorgia Malavolta


Authors are invited to submit papers presenting their original and
unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 10 pages and
should be formatted according to the usual LNCS article style
( Details on the electronic
submission procedure will be provided through the website of the
conference (


A volume of proceedings, that will be published by Springer-Verlag
in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, will be available
by the time of the conference. Refereed volumes of selected
proceedings containing extended papers will be organized after it
as a special issues of international journals.


Details about how to register will be provided through the website
of the conference.


Paper submission: March 19, 2010
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: April 16, 2010
Final version of the paper for the proceedings: May 7, 2010
Conference: September 21-24, 2010

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